Colonbroom Premium Review: A 90-Day Experience and Comparisons

Colonbroom Premium is a fiber supplement marketed for its gut health benefits. While it has positive effects, it’s important to compare it to more affordable alternatives like Metamucil and Benefiber.

Colonbroom Premium
Colonbroom Premium

My Experience with Colonbroom Premium

First Month: Starting with Colonbroom Premium, I took one scoop daily. Initially, I experienced mild bloating and gas, which subsided after a week. My digestion improved, and my bowel movements became more regular.

Second Month: By the second month, I felt lighter and more energetic. My cravings for unhealthy snacks reduced, and my digestion felt smoother. Colonbroom was easy to incorporate into my daily routine.

Third Month: In the final month, my gut health felt stable. Bloating was minimal, and my overall wellness improved. I noticed clearer skin and fewer digestive issues.

Pros and Cons of Colon broom Premium


  • Effective in improving bowel regularity
  • Reduces bloating and gas over time
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Pleasant taste


  • High cost: $65 per month
  • Similar main ingredient to cheaper alternatives like Metamucil and Benefiber
  • Risk of overuse leading to diarrhea and electrolyte imbalances

Affordable Alternatives

Metamucil and generic psyllium husk provide similar benefits at a fraction of the cost. These can be found for under $15 in most grocery and drug stores.

Preventing Constipation Naturally

For preventing constipation and improving gut health, prioritize high-fiber foods and adequate water intake. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 25 grams of fiber per day for women and 38 grams for men. Here are some top fiber-rich foods:

  • Legumes: Beans and lentils
  • Grains: Bulgur, farro, quinoa, rolled oats, whole wheat bread or pasta
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Raspberries, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, apples, citrus fruits, peaches, pears, melon
  • Others: Dried fruits, nuts, and seeds

Improving Gut Microbiota

To enhance gut microbiota diversity, limit added sugars and include fermented foods in your diet. Examples of beneficial fermented foods include:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Pickles
  • Miso
  • Natto
  • Sauerkraut
  • Tempeh
  • Yogurt


While Colonbroom Premium can improve gut health, its high cost and potential risks make it less appealing than more affordable options. A balanced diet rich in fiber, adequate hydration, and limited sugary, processed foods can offer similar benefits at a lower cost. Save your money and prioritize natural, high-fiber foods for long-term health.



  1. Hello | Colon Broom
  2. Yoshinaga Kawano, Madeline Edwards, Yiming Huang, Angelina M. Bilate, Leandro P. Araujo, Takeshi Tanoue, Koji Atarashi, Mark S. Ladinsky, Steven L. Reiner, Harris H. Wang, Daniel Mucida, Kenya Honda, Ivaylo I. Ivanov. Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune-mediated protection from metabolic syndromeCell, 2022; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.08.005